One month on from London…

Hard to believe that a month ago today, I was returning from London. I’ve been crazy-busy catching up from being gone, and have acquired a new writing client who increased the hours they want from me starting July 1 so I’ve been trying to keep up with that. And quite frankly, I’ve got a bit of performance anxiety now about blogging. So many of you were kind enough to read my posts from London, and…

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Analysis paralysis

I’ve had this blog up and running for nearly a month now, and established a goal for myself of posting at least three times a week for the month of February. (I’ll wait while you check your calendars, and confirm that it is indeed Feb. 13. Ready? Good…) I’ve struggled with what the focus of this blog should be, what themes my writing should explore, whether this site should be personal/professional/for the fairies, who the…

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